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Where Do I get my scouts uniform?

The Shop is open Monday evenings in term time from 5pm to 8pm.
Located at:

8th Hornchurch Scout Group HQ(next to church)
62B Chelmsford Drive
RM14 2PH
Please make sure you let them know it's for 1st Corbets Tey Scout Group.


How often are the Subs Due?

Subs are due at the beginning of every term (within 2 weeks of start). 


How much are the Subs?

£30 per term, this includes all insurance cover (capitation) however day trips, camps and evenings in other locations can sometimes incur an additional charge. Section Leaders will advise.


When do you meet?

Every week of the School Term, excluding Bank Holidays.


Is there a waiting list?


Depending on which section, waiting lists vary, Please click here to find the relevant Contact details for the section your child needs to join How to Join


I'd like to become a leader, how do I do it?


[under construction]

Page last updated on Sep 4, 2015
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